The 'A' Ticket is the eleventh episode of the first season which was broadcast on February 4, 2001.
Ginger is partnered up with Ian Richton for science, which he seemed happy about. Ginger thinks he was showing signs of affection for her, but Darren finds out that he is just using Ginger to get an A so he can stay on the soccer team. Meanwhile, Carl, Hoodsey, and Brandon compete for a glockenspiel solo in front of the town eccentric.
- Ginger Foutley
- Carl Foutley
- Courtney Gripling
- Macie Lightfoot
- Hoodsey Bishop
- Dodie Bishop
- Miranda Killgallen
- Darren Patterson
- Lois Foutley
- Mr. Cilia
- Brandon Higsby
- Mr. Hepper
- Soccer Buddy
- Ludlow Krantz
Dodie: Oh! But how are my details? According to Courtney, that's what separates the be's from the wannabes.
Courtney: I'm just fascinated by Ginger's, uh, well, Gingerisms. Oh, I like that word. Add Gingerisms to my list of Courtneyisms.