As Told By Ginger Wiki

Far From Home (listed as Foutleys on Ice on Paramount+) covers the first three episodes of the third season which was broadcast on August 9, 2003.

Synopsis []

Miranda and Mipsy pay off the board members at Avalanche Arts Academy to accept Ginger for a semester term and later decide to have Ginger away for good. With Ginger out of the picture, Miranda and Mipsy figure they can get more attention from Courtney. When Ginger arrives at the school, Mipsy's cousin, Mitzi, has the job of making Ginger feel welcome and convince her to stay full time. Meanwhile, Darren starts to develop feelings for Ginger. Also, Courtney decides she needs to spend as much time with Dodie and Macie as possible to try to soak up every last bit of Ginger, but her plans change when she discovers Miranda and Mipsy's scandal. Later, Carl becomes jealous when he thinks Hoodsey and Noelle like each other while they enter Noelle in a freak show competition.


Part 1[]

At Avalanche Arts Academy, the board members have begun looking at students for their fellowship program. 5 students will be selected to study at the academy for the winter semester. The board looks over the student's portfolios. One of the finalists is Ginger Foutley. While Ginger, Dodie, and Macie get ready to leave for school that morning, Dodie grills Ginger on why she applied for the fellowship program. Dodie goes on to add that she will be away from home for a whole semester. Ginger doubts she will get in, but is still hoping. Meanwhile, Carl is testing out a method to make himself cold-resistant, as he is trying to enter a freak show competition, which will be televised.

At Lucky Jr. High, Courtney comments about Miranda's earmuffs, saying that they are out of style. Miranda tosses them into the trash. Ginger and her friends approach, and Dodie continues to pry about the academy. Courtney compliments Ginger's earmuffs, which annoys Miranda. Courtney walks off to talk to Ginger some more. Mipsy arrives to listen to Miranda gripe about Courtney and Ginger's friendship. Mipsy comments that she currently has something in the works that will fix their "Ginger problem."

At Lucky Elementary, Carl and Hoodsey talk about entering the Weird Human Winter Fest. Carl thinks his "cold-resistant skin" idea isn't weird enough, and they try to think of something else. They are interrupted by Blake, who also intends to enter the freak show. He tells them that he has a mole on his butt that looks like Mother Teresa. Carl and Hoodsey try harder to come up with an idea.

Ginger thinks about potentially going to Avalanche Arts. Tension in the group is high, since she really wants to go, but Dodie is seething at the thought that Ginger may leave for months. Just then, Ms. Zorski makes an announcement over the P.A. Ginger Foutley has been accepted to the academy's fellowship program. Miranda and Mipsy pass by, and congratulate Ginger. Miranda even suggests throwing a going away party for Ginger. Dodie, however, storms off, with Ginger and Macie following. Dodie rants outside about how Ginger could have gotten chosen. Macie tries to mediate, but Ginger gets upset. She says that while Dodie may not be happy for her, she doesn't deserve to be insulted by her best friend. Ginger leaves Dodie and Macie behind.

After school, Noelle hangs out in the doghouse, waiting for Carl and Hoodsey. She uses her psychic abilities to levitate some random items in the air. Carl and Hoodsey enter the doghouse, surprising Noelle and breaking her focus on the items, causing them to fall to the floor. The jar with Blake's tonsils opens and spills on the floor, which upsets Hoodsey. But, Carl asks Noelle to use her power again. She levitates one of the tonsils for them, and Carl is overjoyed, saying that she is their ticket to the freak show. Later, Carl and Noelle watch a movie together. Noelle tries to make Carl laugh by imitating the monster in the movie, but Carl keeps asking her to use her powers to move things around. Noelle gets angry, and runs out of the house.

Ginger talks to Lois about Dodie's reaction to the news. Lois says that Ginger will be away for a few months, which is making Dodie worry. She also adds that Dodie's reaction should not sway Ginger's decision to attend the academy, since this will be a good opportunity for her. Ginger heads up to her room to think. Meanwhile, Dodie talks to Macie and Darren in her room. She cries about possibly being away from Ginger for so long, but says that she doesn't want to hold Ginger back. Darren says that Ginger has been given a great chance for success, and Macie and Dodie should support her no matter what.

Ginger looks over the Avalanche Arts booklet, reading what the school has to offer. Darren enters through the window and asks if she has made a decision yet. She says no, and Darren reassures her that Dodie will eventually come around to the idea. He also adds that he feels Ginger is destined for greatness, which in this case, means leaving Sheltered Shrubs. Ginger decides to go to the academy.

Carl, Hoodsey, and Noelle go to the Weird Human Winter Fest registration. The boys ask Noelle if she needs anything to be more comfortable before the auditions, but she gives them short, curt answers. Carl heads to the front of the line to scope out the competition. Noelle asks Hoodsey if Carl really loves her, or just her powers. Hoodsey bluntly says Carl loves her powers, but it shouldn't matter either way. Carl sees Blake and his butler, Winston, in the line, but also notices Brandon Higsby trying to enter. Brandon says his "ooga-booga dance" is weird enough for the competition, but none of the other contestants are impressed. After the freak show audition concludes, Carl and Winston look at the finalist list to see if Noelle and Blake made the cut. They both have, and Carl and Winston do a little victory dance together. Brandon is dismayed that he didn't make the final cut. Nevertheless, Carl tells Noelle and Hoodsey that they are going to the freak fest. Noelle smiles at Carl's happiness.

The next day at school, Mipsy calls someone on a payphone, telling them to contact "Uncle Maurice" and thanking them for their help with "Operation: Transfer Girl." She adds that she has sent them her bat mitzvah money as payment. Miranda asks how to make their little plan permanent, and Mipsy speaks with the person on the line again. Meanwhile, Ginger breaks the news to Dodie. Dodie apologizes for her behavior, and Ginger forgives her. The pair of them hug. Courtney approaches and asks why, and the girls explain the situation. Courtney is surprised that Ginger will be leaving, but is swiftly taken to the cafeteria by Miranda. Courtney asks if Miranda knew about Ginger leaving, and Miranda says she might have heard something. Courtney meets up with Dodie and Macie after classes. She says that she will miss Ginger so much, that she wishes to spend as much time with Dodie and Macie as she can tolerate. This way, she can get as much of Ginger's essence as she can to ease her pain.

At the doghouse, Hoodsey reads the contest's rules. Since Noelle is a minor, she will need to be accompanied by an adult chaperone. Carl assumes that no adult would go with them, but Noelle suggests that they disguise Hoodsey using stage makeup and drywall stilts.

At the Foutley house, Ginger and Lois are packing Ginger's things into a moving van. Ginger is feeling anxious, but Lois comforts her. Ginger says she needs to get ready for Miranda's party. Lois starts taking boxes downstairs, but first tells Ginger to enjoy the rest of her time in Sheltered Shrubs.

Part 2[]

Ginger, Macie, and Dodie go to Miranda's party. The girls pause to talk before going inside, but Miranda comes out, and barks at them to get in, since everyone's waiting on the guest of honor. The girls enter, and everyone applauds for Ginger. Courtney takes the opportunity to give Ginger a present, an inflatable Courtney, but ends up taking it from her. Mipsy decides to lead the partygoers in a last farewell to Ginger. Ginger again points out that she isn't leaving forever, but Miranda smirks and sips her soda. A bit later, while everyone is dancing, Darren talks with Macie and Dodie. Dodie says Darren is taking Ginger's leaving well. Darren responds that he loves Ginger and wants to support her. Dodie and Macie call him out for saying "love." Darren leaves the room, but starts to wonder why he said "love."

At the doghouse, Carl, Hoodsey, and Noelle try putting Hoodsey's new adult persona together. If "Mr. Hoodsdonowitz" is going to pass for an adult, he needs to sound like one. Hoodsey tries to lower his voice, but still sounds like a boy. Noelle gets an idea, then gives Hoodsey a big kiss on the lips. Hoodsey smiles, and speaks to Carl and Noelle, his voice now a few octaves lower. Carl is stunned.

The following morning, the bus to Avalanche Arts arrives. Lois walks Ginger to the door, and assures her that if she needs anything, she can just call. The two hug goodbye and Ginger boards the bus. Darren sadly watches the bus pull away, but notices a barrette fall out of Ginger's bag.

The bus arrives at Avalanche Arts Academy. Ginger immediately sees an elk and goes to take a picture. But, she is stopped by an older student, a handsome boy named Fred. He warns not to get too close, or spook the elk with the camera flash. They chat a bit about what their artistic specialties are. He points out where Ginger's dorm is, then leaves. Ginger enters the dorm building and locates her room. She enters and sees an older girl meditating on the windowsill. Ginger starts unpacking, and the girls chat. Her new roommate, Thea, explains that the academy is a great school, provided one has the talent and money for it. Ginger points out that there are no scholarships, so going to the academy permanently isn't in the cards for her. Thea offers to show her around campus. She introduces Ginger to her friend group, which Fred is part of. She mentions Ginger will only be at the school temporarily, and to not too get attached. Fred flirtatiously says it might be hard not to. A girl asks if Ginger is homesick, and Ginger is surprised to find that she isn't.

Back at Sheltered Shrubs, Ginger's friends are trying to get used to their friend's absence. Courtney continues hanging out with Dodie and Macie, and they reminisce about Ginger. Miranda and Mipsy are annoyed at this, but Mipsy decides to move into Phase 2 of their scheme. Courtney asks the other girls for a group hug to soak in any Ginger-ness from them. Mipsy snaps a photo of them hugging.

Carl and Hoodsey go to meet with Noelle. Carl is angry at Hoodsey and Noelle for their kiss. Hoodsey tries justifying the situation as being part of the plan to get into the freak fest. Hoodsey encourages Carl to talk about his feelings with Noelle, but Carl quickly changes the subject. Later, Noelle is using wigs, a fake nose, and makeup to make Hoodsey look older. Carl grumbles about how Noelle is paying more attention to Hoodsey. He practices walking around with the stilts, and speaking with the low voice. Noelle is pleased with their work and playfully tackles Hoodsey. The two of them are happy that their plan is coming together, but Carl angrily leaves.

At the Academy, Thea removes her short-haired wig, which was hiding her long brown hair. She greatly resembles Mipsy. She then calls up Mipsy, addressing her as "cuz," and giving updates on her part in Operation: Transfer Girl. She is helping Ginger feel welcome and comfortable at the Academy. Later, Mipsy will talk to their Uncle Maurice, one of the Academy's board members, and have him propose accepting Ginger to the school on a scholarship. Miranda prepares to send Ginger photos of Courtney, Macie, and Dodie together to make it seem like Ginger's friends do not miss her, which will give her more of a reason to stay away from Sheltered Shrubs.

At the Patterson house, Darren looks through the yearbook at pictures of Ginger, and stares at the barrette. His parents both take notice, and ask to speak to Darren. They say he isn't eating, talking, or sleeping much. Darren says that ever since Ginger left, he hasn't been the same. Mr. Patterson is overjoyed, and declares that Darren is in love. Mrs. Patterson says that Darren should share these feelings with Ginger, and quickly, before someone else does. Darren decides to take the next train to Avalanche Arts.

At the Academy, Ginger thinks about how her friends haven't reached out to her. She has also tried reaching out to them, but something either comes up at the school, or her friends aren't available. She wonders if she is growing apart from them. She speaks with Thea about her experiences at the school, and how the students want to be themselves, rather than fit in. She asks Thea to help her out with a few changes of her own.

Meanwhile, Courtney tries hanging out with Dodie and Macie more. They try to chat and tell each other stories, but Courtney says it isn't the same. They all miss Ginger terribly, and no one can replace her. Courtney points out that all of her moping is bad for her skin, and she needs to get more makeup from Mipsy's locker. She opens it up, and a folder drops out. It's labelled "Operation: Transfer Girl." The trio take the folder and start looking through it. They find out the full depth of Miranda and Mipsy's plan, from Mipsy paying Thea for her help, to the picture of the group hug with the caption "Your friends have moved on, so why don't you?" Courtney tells the girls to meet her at her house, so they can go to Avalanche Arts themselves, and alert Ginger.

At the elementary school, Noelle sneaks in, and pulls Hoodsey into one of the cubbies to talk to him. Noelle is mad at herself for going along with the freak fest plans. She tells Hoodsey she only participated for Carl's sake, but everything backfired, and now he's angry. Carl catches the two of them inside the cubby, and gets even angrier. He declares that he is done with both Hoodsey and Noelle, and that he isn't going to the freak fest.

Part 3[]

Ginger has received a package from home. It contains the pictures of Courtney, Macie, and Dodie together. Ginger is a little sad at this, since they seem to be having fun without her. She adds that Darren hasn't contacted her either. Thea tries to cheer her up by saying that she has new friends at the academy, and that change can be good. Ginger decides to follow through with one of her intended changes: dying her hair. Later, with straightened magenta hair, Ginger takes a walk. Fred compliments her new look, and asks if she is going to the bonfire with some other students later that evening. He gives her a copy of the book they are going to be discussing. Ginger says she'll definitely read it, and the two of them smile at each other.

Hoodsey and Noelle try going to the doghouse to convince Carl to go with them. Carl has locked himself inside the doghouse, and refuses to come out. Noelle can't use her powers to break the lock, and Hoodsey is offended that Carl thinks he is a girlfriend stealer. Noelle and Hoodsey leave Carl to stew.

At the Gripling mansion, Dodie and Macie take pictures of Courtney's fancy room. Before they can start planning, the phone rings. Dodie answers, and Miranda is on the other line, demanding to speak to Courtney. Courtney takes the phone and coldly says, "Your best friend has moved on, so why don't you?" then hangs up, which stuns Miranda.

That evening, the students are are sitting around the fire, taking turns reading from "Jennifer's Ghost." Darren skulks around in the bushes, too nervous to interrupt. But, an elk approaches him from behind, and he runs screaming out of the bushes. Ginger is shocked and a little irritated at the interruption. Darren tries to calm down, but Fred tells him to leave, since they were talking about the story. Darren thinks they are talking about a movie, and asks if anyone has seen a recent action movie. He re-enacts a scene, but the other students laugh at him. Ginger is embarrassed, and offers to meet with him later after they finish. Darren declines, feeling offended at Ginger's new attitude. He leaves and Ginger tries to follow, but Fred stops her. A radio broadcast then informs everyone that an ice storm will soon pass through the area, and to be cautious when traveling outside. Ginger tries calling for Darren to come back, but she gets no response.

Later, Ginger paces around the room, worrying about Darren. She notices that the picture of her and her friends is missing. She wakes Thea up to ask about it, and Thea admits that she put it away since it was "part of her past." Ginger says her friends are still part of her present and she will be going home soon. Thea then plays her trump card. She reveals that the academy is offering Ginger a once in a lifetime chance to attend the school on a full scholarship until her senior year of high school. Ginger refuses, saying that she doesn't want to leave behind her old life in Sheltered Shrubs. She then takes a snowmobile and leaves to find Darren.

At Gripling Manor, Courtney tries asking Winston to drive her, Dodie, and Macie to Avalanche Arts. But, Winston can't, since he is chaperoning Blake to the freak fest. Courtney gets agitated, and calls for her backup plan. She tells her attendant Giselle to call their private pilot and get the helicopter ready.

The bus to the Weird Human Winter Fest is boarding, and Noelle waits with "Mr. Hoodsdonowitz." Hoodsey tries cheering Noelle up, but she is still upset that Carl won't be joining them. Blake arrives and sees through Hoodsey's disguise. He asks if Noelle is upset that Carl won't be coming. Noelle says that when she wins the contest, Carl will be happy and love her again. Blake tells her and Hoodsey that Carl already wished him luck with his unusual mole, then boards the bus. Noelle thinks its a lie, but Hoodsey says they should still participate, if only to rub their victory in Carl's face. Little do they know, Carl stows away in the spare tire cover on the back of the bus.

Courtney's helicopter lands near the school. She, Macie, and Dodie burst into the dorm room, and confront Thea. Thea removes her wig, revealing she is a Mipson. She then threatens the girls with a spray bottle full of an unknown liquid, saying that they won't ruin her money making scheme.

The freak fest bus makes a rest stop in Avalanche County. Noelle tells Hoodsey that she doesn't want to be in the freak fest anymore. Hoodsey tries to get her to reconsider, but while they are waiting on their food from the rest stop's food stand, the bus pulls away. Noelle tries making the bus come back with her powers, but only succeeds in pulling off the spare tire cover. Carl pops out, but runs away into the forest. Noelle and Hoodsey chase him, and he runs out onto a frozen lake. The three of them argue. Carl says he was not rooting for Blake to win, Noelle admits that she only wanted to enter the contest for Carl, and Hoodsey just wants to eat the cheese fries. Suddenly, the ice on the lake starts to break apart. Noelle uses her telekinesis to lift Carl to safety, and he thanks her, finally calling her his girlfriend. Suddenly, Ginger passes by on the snowmobile. She is confused why the three kids are there, but offers to give them a ride into town, so they can go home.

Ginger takes the kids to the train station, and hurries inside. She looks out onto the platform and sees Darren talking to an employee. Ginger gets his attention, and tells him she was looking for him all night. She asks why Darren came all the way to the academy to see her. Darren admits that he might be in love with her, and to be certain, goes to kiss her. Ginger kisses him back, and coyly says she should go out of town more often. Darren responds that she shouldn't since he will count the moments until she comes back. He boards the train, followed by Carl, Hoodsey, and Noelle. Carl asks that Ginger not mention him almost dying in the lake to their mother. The train pulls away, and Darren and Ginger wave goodbye. Carl sits with Noelle for the trip, while Hoodsey uses his "Hoodsdonowitz" persona to flirt with some older girls.

Ginger returns to the dorm, and is greeted by Courtney, Dodie, and Macie. They tell her about Miranda and Mipsy's plot, and reveal that Thea is Mipsy's cousin. At some point, the other girls overpowered Thea and shut her into the closet. Ginger lets her out, and is angry at the deception. Thea admits that she was just in the plan for the money, but adds that she did grow to like Ginger. She then says that the only reason Miranda and Mipsy wanted to get rid of Ginger was so Courtney would spend more time with them. After Thea leaves, Courtney promptly calls the helicopter pilot to set a course for Miranda's house. She says while Miranda and Mipsy's plan was underhanded and stalker-ish, the intent was flattering, then leaves. Macie then encourages Dodie to reveal something else. Dodie says that the reason the Avalanche Arts board bothered to consider Ginger for the fellowship in the first place is because she is talented, not because of bribes or manipulation. She says she and Macie are proud of Ginger's accomplishment. Dodie and Macie then ask why Ginger's lip gloss is smeared. Ginger reveals who she kissed, and the friends squeal with joy.

After Dodie and Macie head home, Ginger starts packing away her things, ready to go back to Sheltered Shrubs. She pauses to look at some pictures of her friends and family, and think about her new relationship with Darren.


  • Ginger Foutley
  • Dodie Bishop
  • Macie Lightfoot
  • Darren Patterson
  • Courtney Gripling
  • Miranda Killgallen
  • Mipsy Mipson
  • Carl Foutley
  • Hoodsey Bishop
  • Noelle Sussman
  • Blake Gripling
  • Brandon Higsby
  • Lois Foutley
  • Mr. Patterson
  • Mrs. Patterson
  • Winston
  • Ms. Zorski
  • Dwayne Cochran
  • Thea Mipson 
  • Fred
  • Punk Kid
  • Turtle Eater
  • Ian Richton (cameo)
  • Dustin (cameo)
  • Jean-Pierre (cameo)
  • Katie (cameo)
  • Laetitia Bowers (cameo) 
  • Stuart Higsby (cameo) 
  • Chet Zipper (cameo)
  • Terrence (cameo)
  • Giselle (mentioned only)
  • Hysterical Citizen 
  • Space Cannibal
  • Silver Haired Woman 
  • Cheese Attendant 
  • Hip Art Student 
  • Radio Voice 
  • Train Conductor 
  • Bus Driver 


Hoodsey: (referring to Blake) If Dullsville had a president, you'd be mayor. 
Carl: No, president. 
Hoodsey: Yeah, president.

Lois: Hmm. "Do not disturb". We should put this on your sister's door. I'm guessing it's too late for you.

Ginger: (her first lines of part 2) Sometimes when you're expected to say something really meaningful, it becomes almost impossible to say anything at all.

Courtney: Group hug, girls. Group hug! Let me try to soak up every last bit of Ginger that might still be on you.

Courtney: Oh my, gosh! This is total propaganda! If I'm not using that word incorrectly.

Bus Driver: (addressing the passengers) Rest stop. Those of you with legs, feel free to stretch them. 

Trivia []

  • The alternate title for this episode is Foutley's on Ice.
  • At the end of part 1, it is shown that Ginger has a sticker of the little seal girl character on the mirror located on the back of her door. 
  • In part 1, Courtney says that Ginger going away reminds her of when her favorite character was killed off on the soap opera Loves of Our Lives. A reference to the long running daytime soap opera Days of Our Lives. 
  • This episode was released on VHS and DVD on April 5, 2005.
  • Courtney knows Mipsy's locker combination and it's more likely to be vice versa.
  • During the premiere of the episode on Nickelodeon, it was sponsored by McDonald's and Kellogg's Eggo Waffles.


  • In part 2 when Fred says to Ginger "How about taking a little ride?", his mouth doesn't move. 


