I got a headache that is giving me amnesia. The amnesia is so severe that I do not know what my name is. I need a lot of sleep, water, and healthy food if this is the case. Or it just could be a heat stroke
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Hey there! I've been searching for the final episodes, but I can't seem to find a place to watch them in order. Unfortunately, apps like Paramount Plus aren't available in my country. Any suggestions on how I can catch these last episodes?
So, I Was Thinking, That Maybe if As Told By Ginger Would Have a Spinoff Called "As Told By Courtney Gripling", Because I Like that Character, and That Would Have Been Nice
I have no clue what this fandom is bur yall needa revive
Who was the dog-napper on "Season of Caprice"?
Courtney and many other characters were popular because of their wealth but wasn't Macie rich too? Did you see her house? And she had an inground pool and a tanning bed. If she had the chance she would've impressed her classmate with her accessories, I don't understand why Ginger's friends always hung out at her place when Macie had this big house and outdoor pool.
I do have some questions about as told by ginger:
1. what would have happened if courtney gripling was voiced by actress kari wahlgren?
2. why couldn't actress katey sagal do the voice of ginger foutley and the voice of ginger's mom lois foutley?
I still like to watch as told by ginger and I like the animation in the show, but I have some past scenario thoughts:
1. why couldn't as told by ginger have the same animation from the simpsons and from futurama?
2. Why couldn't as told by ginger have the "animated sitcom" genre in it?
3. What would have happened if as told by ginger would have been created by matt groening?
Old As Told By Ginger
History Of Animation 115 Year ago Bumpers
Ben 10 Reboot Ben 10 Tranmerin
Macie Lightfoot 2020s 2010s
Ginger Foutley 1980s,
Macie Lightfoot Punch Kill strike 1900s
Today 2020s
Back of Ben Tennyson Reboot
You sure wouldn't know me if you didn't read my last discussion, it doesn't matter
Looks like I'm going to write a lot on this blog, I know I'm obsessedಠωಠ, I've been locking up all those words, questions and love for "As told by Ginger " for eight years, and now this blog allows me to connect with fans of this cartoon and it's exciting(✯ᴗ✯)
(*❛‿❛)→Now let me have a serious talk:-
Since I'm in high school, let's say I've been through something similar to Ginger and surely we've all been like:
mean teachers ,and there is alot we should talk about
The intense pressure we did not expect
And I broke up with my boyfriend, and fortunately it wasn't the reason for betrayal ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
The only thing I didn't have since childhood are friends, my pink dream was to have loyal girlfriends, but as you know
Tell me if you see this tweet, are there things that happened to you similar to what happened in Ginger?
Old and New Cartoon strike
Festro Arm
I.M. Weasel
dora marquez
Macie Lightfoot
Duncan TDI
Angel Dust
Pibby, Alloy Boy, Melira, Viggie (Hazbin Hotel), Marcie Lightfoot, Ben Tennyson Ultatme Alien, Countery TDI, OK KO, Numbuh 5, Leela (Futurama) and Robin (Teen Titans 2003) Team
There isn't much interaction here, and that's okay ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
If you're watching this tell me,
-which character did you like the most in Ginger
-and which episode do you like
For me, as told by Ginger was a great thing for me, because of this cartoon I became a writer and fell in love with writing memoirs.
All the characters had good feelings and memories, except for Darren of course ಠ_ʖಠNow I don't understand why he betrayed Ginger, not just betrayed, he broke up with her for Simon.
I have a lot of problems with this character despite the passing of the years, I can't believe they got back together in the end (I think the director got bored of the series and decided to speed things up (◔‿◔))
Hey guys, in "No Hope for Courtney", Carl's pranks caused Mrs. Gordon to retire, but at the last minute of the episode, the principal announces Mrs. Gordon's passing to Carl's class, followed by the In Memoriam for Kathleen Freeman who died of lung cancer.
I was just wondering, for those of you who are fans of this show, have you found some fanfics about Carl trying to cope with Mrs. Gordon's death? I found this one. How about you guys?
Please comment below.
I wanna review the show without seeing low quality or high pitched ripped episodes on DailyMotion.
29 Votes in Poll
So Ginger just forgave Macie and Dodie after they tried to sabotage her relationship with Darren? I feel like it wasn't addressed.
What does she contribute to her friend dynamic besides bad influence and drama?
Why is she so petty?
Why is her mouth so grotesquely huge? Why is her face so fish-like?
Aside from Miranda, Mipsy, and Courtney to a lesser extent, the next biggest source of bullshit in Ginger's life is Dodie.
Dodie's more than willing to fuck her best friends over if it means she comes out on top, gets incredibly jealous when her friends get something she doesn't, and is clearly capable and motivated to make the lives of her friends worse if it means she gets to keep them to herself, which makes her a bit possessive as well.
I hate Dodie so much. Miranda and Mipsy might be conniving backstabbers, but at least they're considered outsiders to the main trio.